- control agreement
- соглашение о контроле
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
deposit account control agreement — (DACA) USA The agreement in which a debtor, secured party, and bank maintaining the deposit account have agreed that the bank will comply with instructions originated by the secured party directing disposition of the funds in the deposit account… … Law dictionary
securities account control agreement — USA The agreement in which a debtor (known as the entitlement holder), secured party and securities intermediary maintaining the securities account have agreed that the securities intermediary will comply with instructions (known as entitlement… … Law dictionary
shareholder control agreement — n: a written unanimous agreement of shareholders that transfers control of specified areas of corporate governance (as election of directors and officers, issue of dividends, employment of shareholders, or arbitration of disputes) from directors… … Law dictionary
account control agreement — An agreement perfecting a creditor s interest in a securities account while allowing the securities to remain registered in the name of the owner. An account control agreement is used to establish a security interest conforming to the… … Financial and business terms
tacit arms control agreement — An arms control course of action in which two or more nations participate without any formal agreement having been made … Military dictionary
arms control agreement — The written or unwritten embodiment of the acceptance of one or more arms control measures by two or more nations … Military dictionary
control — 1 noun 1 MAKE SB/STH DO WHAT YOU WANT (U) the ability or power to make someone or something do what you want: Generally your driving s OK, but your clutch control isn t very good. (+ of/over): Babies are born with very little control over their… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
agreement — a‧gree‧ment [əˈgriːmənt] noun [countable] 1. an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people or organizations: • Under the agreement, the company will distribute our products in North America. • What happens if the warring… … Financial and business terms
agreement — agree·ment n 1 a: the act or fact of agreeing by mutual agreement b: unity of opinion, understanding, or intent; esp: the mutual assent of contracting parties to the same terms if they reach agreement ◇ Under common law, agreement is a necessary… … Law dictionary
Control (House) — Control Episodio de House El millonario Edward Vogler (Chi McBride) toma el control del hospital y se enfrenta con House. Título Control … Wikipedia Español
arms control agreement verification — A concept that entails the collection, processing, and reporting of data indicating testing or employment of proscribed weapon systems, including country of origin and location, weapon and payload identification, and event type … Military dictionary